Isaac's "didi" (little brother) has finally arrived! Here are some catch-up pictures.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Two Years Old! (And about to be a big brother!)
Isaac has turned two! He's saying so much, and it's just a lot of fun watching him grow! Not that he hasn't also experienced some terrible two episodes, but for the most part, he's just really cute.
Here are July pics. We went to Arlington, VA for a short trip and saw old friends. I went to San Francisco for work, met up with May, went to a bridal shower and visited family. Isaac's bday was July 28th.
Pictures from August: Isaac's birthday party (we kept it small, just Roosevelt Island folk), trips to New Jersey, Sesame Place, Ocean Grove beach, and other assorted photos. (Dbl click to watch videos.)
Also, we did a commercial for Roosevelt Island that's been playing on Taxi TV in NYC. It's an unabashed plug for the island. You can see it at:
So, we are due for child #2 any moment now. I'm 39 weeks and feel very fortunate that I get to update the blog before baby madness starts all over again (it all feels like borrowed time at this point). In some ways, the second time around is less scary and you know what to expect. But in other ways, doing it again with a toddler makes the whole thing a new experience.
We've been telling Isaac about having a "xiao di-di" or "little brother", and he has been kissing my belly, patting it, knocking on it to say hello to his brother. And he even brings toys or food to my belly when we talk about sharing with his brother. But I'm sure he can't possibly know how his life will change (and we can't predict what it means for us either). He is about to be dethroned as sole prince of the house to welcome another little prince into the family. We are going to do our best to give him as much attention as possible, but he will have to learn sharing to a whole new level!!
Anyway, we will post news of the new baby! We'll have to change the blog too since it will no longer be a blog just about Isaac...
Posted by
Su Wang
10:50 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
Maybe I should make these semi-annual updates...
So here are pictures from our trip to Mexico in March. This was before H1N1 hit. At that time we only had to worry about drug cartel craziness. Glad we went when we did! We went with 2 families- my cousin Erling and my friend from residency, Caroline. It was a great time for kids and adults!
Here are pics from us announcing to our folks that Isaac is going to be a big brother! He's going to have a little brother to play with and hopefully not beat up too much. Baby is due early October-or maybe late September! Also, pics of Isaac's Catholic baptism (yes, he had a Protestant dedication before).
Over Memorial Day Weekend, we took Isaac to a farm in New Hampshire. We wanted to get him out of the city, see some animals in real life and breathe some non-city air. (Also in this set are pics of Isaac's godfather and our godson.) There are a few videos in this too-- if you double click and view it through Picasa, you can see the videos. There's a great one of the two boys snoring at the end- turn up the volume!
Posted by
Su Wang
2:24 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Year of the Ox!
Happy Chinese New Year!
It's time for the one-holiday-late update! Here are pictures from December, Christmas and New Year.
Looking at these pictures made me realize how enjoyable vacation is- fun just to hang out as a family and not worry about our to-do lists. Can't wait for the next one.
We do have a new camera now and so have been taking videos again. But now having technical difficulty on the computer end, so that'll have to be another post!
Posted by
Su Wang
11:26 AM